You Need A Valid Will

A well-written Will can definitely speed up the finalization of your estate and reduce administration costs.

You Can Protect Your Loved One

If you are single and still have parents to care for.

Will Helps To Reduce Dispute

If you are married and would like to reduce potential disputes or unfavorable conflicts among both sides’ family members.

You Need To Appoint Executor

You can now appoint someone to manage your wealth who ensures your beneficiaries receive their inheritance according to your final wish.


You Decide Your Beneficiaries

You can now specify “who” to receive your wealth and “how” to transfer it to your beneficiaries of your own choice and preference.

You Decide The Legal Guardian

You can now name the legal guardians for your minor children if both you and your spouse are no longer around.

You Can Donate To Charities

If you would like to bequeath money to charities, you may decide what type of bequest you would like to give to your chosen charity.

Do you want your loved ones to inherit your wealth?


We make important decisions in our life, such as starting a family and raising our children. But what if we were to unexpectedly leave this world? What would happen to our loved ones, our wealth and our assets? Can we ensure our loved ones inherit all our wealth? Yes, we can. Making a Will NOW is the answer to all these concerns.

What is a Will?

A Will is a legal document that allows you, the testator or Will maker, to designate certain individuals or charities as beneficiaries to receive your assets and possessions upon your passing.

3 Easy Steps

To Create Your Wills


Sign Up

Choose the SmartWills plan that matches your needs and budget by signing up online. SmartWills offers a fast, easy and trusted Will writing service.


Fill Up

Fill in the necessary details for your Will, including your personal data, wealth and asset information, and the details of beneficiaries, executors, and guardians.


Print & Keep

Print the Will document and sign it in the presence of two witnesses you have appointed to make it legally binding. Keep the signed Will document in a safe place.


Creating my Will with SmartWills was a seamless experience. It’s given me immense peace of mind knowing my family’s future is secure.

Suki 26 years old

The process was straightforward and the staff were incredibly supportive. I now feel confident that my wishes will be honored.

Dexter 30 years old

SmartWills made what seemed like a daunting task both simple and respectful. I’m relieved to have my affairs in order for my loved ones.

Heather 30 years old

Using SmartWills for my Will preparation was straightforward and reassuring, ensuring my assets are well managed for my loved ones.

Lysher 30 years old

The process of making my Will with SmartWills was surprisingly simple, providing a solid foundation for my family’s well-being.

Elaine 37 years old


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